Home Visits

Getting out to a clinic isn't always possible, especially if you are wheelchair bound or recovering from a recent surgery.

Or maybe you work from home and struggle to find the time to get out. This is where Home Visits are beneficial. I will come out to you, or your location of choice (Gym, Office etc) at a time that suits you - so no worrying about travel or parking.

Stroke Rehabilitation

Whether you have had your stroke recently or a couple of years ago,  it's never too early or late to start your rehab journey. Some people prefer to have 2 full sessions of physiotherapy a week and others have once a week, it is all personal preference.

What To Expect:

  • A thorough assessment of YOU and your movements. Looking at what you can do and what you are struggling with.
  • A bespoke tailored approach to your rehab.
  • "Hands on" treatment to help address any muscle imbalances or to provide stimulation to under active muscles.
  • Exercise therapy, concentrating on your weaknesses.
  • Advice and education throughout your sessions and "homework" inbetween sessions.

Sports Injuries & MSK conditions

You can be a full time athlete or a weekend warrior, anyone can be at risk of a sports injury. You may not even play sports or exercise regularly - you may have simply rolled your ankle on one of the kids (or dogs!) many toys that they leave lying around!

Physiotherapy can help with these issues, managing your pain getting you stronger and ultimately getting you back on track doing what you enjoy most.

Back and Neck Pain


Are you struggling with headaches? Do you sit at a desk for most of the day and struggle with discomfort around your shoulders and upper back? Do you find yourself stooping over most of the day and are starting to feel tension in your lower back?



If any of these apply to you, then a physiotherapy assessment and treatment could be beneficial to look at where your weaknesses are, what muscles are over compensating and how we can help to improve things with either exercise therapy or hand on treatment.

Post Surgery Rehab


A broken leg? A fractured arm? A hip or knee replacement? All of these surgeries (and many more!) can be life changing and it has never been more important to get the rehab as quickly as possible to get you back on your feet and doing all the things you love to do.


Every surgery is different, and recovery times will be different depending on who has done the surgery, what medical conditions you have, how fit you were prior to the surgery, fear of movement and many more. But don't worry, I will take all of these matters into consideration when devising your treatment plan, ensuring you are in the drivers seat at all times.


Exercise Classes

Perhaps you don't need "physio" for a particular condition.... Maybe you are just looking to get a bit fitter, but feeling a bit too nervous to go to a gym. Maybe you're struggling to walk as far as you used to, or finding it a bit more of an effort to do daily activities such as getting up off the sofa, or going up and down the stairs? You know something needs to change....

Michelle runs a group circuit class in Bangor on Dee Village Hall for over 60s every Monday at 10am and Wednesday at 4pm which cost £6.50 per class.

Another circuit class on Thursdays called Sweaty Bettys at Bangor on Dee Village hall at 6pm for Peri/Menopausal women.

You can expect to meet some new or familiar faces, listen to some 60's, 70's, 80's, 90s music (it really does make the time go quicker!). You will learn very quickly that your body is capable of so much more than you think :)

If you would like any further information about any of these classes, please get in touch.

Sports Massage


Anyone can benefit from sports massage. It doesnt matter if you are an elite athlete, a ‘weekend warrior’ or a hairdresser whos on their feet all day, sports massage can provide you with enormous benefits to improve performance or reduce pain/discomfort.



  • Promoting Recovery - Improving blood circulation which can help clear the body of waste products such as lactic acid.
  • Alleviating Muscle Aches & Pains
  • Psychological Benefits - The relaxation and stress reuction that is achieved by sports massage can help many people to manage their stress and anxiety, improve focus and help to develop a positive mindset.